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- Written by: Emma Roussel
- Category: General content
- Hits: 223
- Downloadable documents:
- Documents (SQL): When VCAT asks OPA to investigate fact sheet (Fact sheet)
- Documents (SQL): About your OPA guardian fact sheet (Fact sheet)
- Documents (SQL): Feedback and complaints fact sheet (Fact sheet)
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- Written by: Emma Roussel
- Category: General content
- Hits: 289
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- Intro text: OPA's Volunteer conference was held on 11 October 2024.
OPA's Volunteer conference was held on 11 October 2024.
More than 160 volunteers as well as OPA staff and guests, had the pleasure of joining together to celebrate their service to the community and hear from experts in the field at the 2024 Volunteer conference in Melbourne.
The conference marked the last day for Dr Colleen Pearce AM, who retired as Public Advocate after 17 years in the role. Colleen was thanked for her service by Linda Peterson representing both the Community Visitors Program and the Combined Board and also by Pat O’Donnell representing the Independent Third Person and Corrections Independent Support Officers Program.
We heard from The Hon. Bill Shorten MP, Minister for the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) about his experiences within government and the future of the NDIS. Bronwen Write, from Beyond Blue spoke about their lived experience as someone who is neuro-diverse and has battled with depression.
Following lunch, there were break-out sessions featuring presentations by a range of experts from organisations including OPA’s Healthy Discussions Project, Eastern Centre Against Sexual Assault, Independent Mental Health Advocacy, Second Psychiatric Opinion Service, Mental Health Tribunal, Mental Health and Wellbeing Commission and the Social Services Regulator.
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- Written by: Margaret Bozik
- Category: General content
- Hits: 1021
- Intro text: Printable checklists for the treating team
- Downloadable documents:
- Documents (SQL): Hospital protocols for patients with OPA Appointed Guardians (A4) (Fact sheet)
- Documents (SQL): Intake checklist for patients with OPA appointed guardians (aged 65+) (Fact sheet)
- Documents (SQL): Exit checklist for patients with OPA appointed guardians (A3) (General)
Printable checklists for the treating team of patients aged 65+ with OPA appointed guardians.
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- Written by: Margaret Bozik
- Category: General content
- Hits: 1583
- Intro text: In 2023-24, the Victorian Auditor-General’s Office (VAGO) audited the work of OPA.
In 2023-24, the Victorian Auditor-General’s Office (VAGO) audited the work of OPA. This audit concluded with the report ‘Guardianship and decision-making for vulnerable adults’ being tabled in Parliament.
The audit recognises the complexity of the multidimensional services OPA provides. The report acknowledges positive findings, and highlights several initiatives already underway.
OPA has accepted ten recommendations in full and three recommendations in principle, subject to additional resources being made available.
The recommendations directed at OPA are about improving:
- documentation
- how we engage with clients
- training and guidance for staff
- how we collect and use data
- planning and oversight.
The 3 recommendations directed to both OPA and DJCS are about improving:
- planning and recruitment processes
- performance measures.
OPA is committed to responding to these findings to ensure we continue striving for best practice for the people we work with and for. OPA provided a high-level action plan, included in VAGO’s final report, to address the recommendations made. We will work towards implementing these improvements.
OPA remains steadfast in our commitment to serve with compassion and respect, ensuring that our actions contribute to a more inclusive and equitable society. We view the findings of the VAGO audit as an opportunity to reflect, learn, and grow stronger in our mission.
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- Written by: Margaret Bozik
- Category: General content
- Hits: 2239
- Intro text: OPA has established a Lived Experience Advisory Committee to provide input into OPA projects, systemic advocacy and programs of the office
Ensuring the voices of people with disability are at the centre of everything we do
OPA has established a Lived Experience Advisory Committee to provide input into OPA projects, systemic advocacy and programs of the office. The members of the committee, who are all experienced self-advocates with different disabilities, experiences and interests, meet monthly and are paid for their time.
In addition, OPA has a number of identified positions for staff with disability, as well as encouraging applications from people with disability for all roles, and recognising the value of their lived experience in the recruitment process.
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- Written by: Margaret Bozik
- Category: General content
- Hits: 3034
- Intro text: Strategic Directions 2023 - 2026 is our blueprint for the future, setting out OPA's strategic priorities over the period.
- Downloadable documents:
- Documents (SQL): Strategic Directions 2023-2026 (General)
These directions were developed with insights from OPA staff, volunteers, and stakeholders, ensuring a collaborative and well-rounded approach to shaping our future work and initiatives.
As a blueprint for the future, it charts an exciting course for OPA in the next 3 years. The Strategic Directions will act as a guide for how OPA can progress work towards our aspirational vision.
Our vision is for ‘A fair and inclusive society that respects and values the human rights and dignity of all people.’
OPA added a new guiding principle of inclusion to underscore its commitment to fostering participation, equal opportunities, and empowerment.
The principles guide our approach to work, our planning, our decision-making, our behaviour, and the way we communicate with and treat one another.
OPA's principles are:
- Respect - We treat all people with dignity and respect
- Integrity - We act honestly, transparently, fairly and with accountability to each other and to members of the community
- Independence - As a statutory entity, we operate independently of government agencies and service providers
- Inclusion - We strive to remove barriers to accessing our services and full participation in the community
- Collaboration – We work collaboratively with our clients and stakeholders to improve outcomes for people with disability and their support systems.
The 4 new Strategic Priorities provide a strong focus for all our planning and work over the coming 3 years. These priorities set out how we plan to make a difference. The four strategic priority areas identified are:
- A culture of excellence - accessible, inclusive, collaborative, high quality
- Maximising our influence and impact - research, reform, advocacy
- Nurturing our people - support, development, promotion of wellbeing
- A thriving organisation - sustainable, flexible, data and digitally capable.