Colleen: The United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities provides a human rights roadmap for the full inclusion and empowerment of people with disability and cognitive impairment.
People with disability hold the same rights as everyone else, including the right to autonomy.
Listening to the voice of people with lived experience of disability is vital to achieving this.
Lisa: The United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities emphasises equality before the law and equal protection for all.
It's essential that we don't face discrimination due to our disability, especially when making significant life decisions.
Victoria: The Disability Royal Commission said that all adult have the right to make decisions about their lives and get the support they
need to make decisions.
Colin: People need different types of support to make decisions.
Victoria: Service providers should include supported decision making, as a part of what they do.
William: Guardianship should only ever be a last resort if a person cannot make a decision, even with support, if there are no less restrictive options and if guardianship protects and promotes their human rights.
Lisa: It's essential to have our rights recognised, to be visible and to be empowered.
William: So if we encounter challenges, we have the right to receive support to help us make informed choices.