Victorian Auditor General's Office

In 2023-24, the Victorian Auditor-General’s Office (VAGO) audited the work of OPA. This audit concluded with the report ‘Guardianship and decision-making for vulnerable adults’ being tabled in Parliament.   

The audit recognises the complexity of the multidimensional services OPA provides. The report acknowledges positive findings, and highlights several initiatives already underway.  

OPA has accepted ten recommendations in full and three recommendations in principle, subject to additional resources being made available.

The recommendations directed at OPA are about improving:   

  • documentation 
  • how we engage with clients  
  • training and guidance for staff  
  • how we collect and use data  
  • planning and oversight.  

The 3 recommendations directed to both OPA and DJCS are about improving:   

  • planning and recruitment processes 
  • performance measures. 

OPA is committed to responding to these findings to ensure we continue striving for best practice for the people we work with and for. OPA provided a high-level action plan, included in VAGO’s final report, to address the recommendations made. We will work towards implementing these improvements. 

OPA remains steadfast in our commitment to serve with compassion and respect, ensuring that our actions contribute to a more inclusive and equitable society. We view the findings of the VAGO audit as an opportunity to reflect, learn, and grow stronger in our mission.  

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